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Plastic Free July: Embracing Change and Reducing Waste

This July was not only my 30th birthday but also the month I decided to take on the challenge of seeing just how much plastic I consume. With all the excitement of a surprise birthday party, my dad's 55th birthday celebration, and a two-week-long summer camp, the timing was perfect for a little self-reflection on my environmental footprint. I will say in the times we live in and depending on the resources available, purchasing things without plastic can be very difficult.

The Plastic Challenge

As much as I strive to reduce plastic waste in my daily life, the truth is, that it's not always easy. So many essential items come packaged in plastic. From snacks to household supplies, it's everywhere. However, that doesn't mean we should give up on trying to make a difference. There is no perfect way to reduce consumption, but there are plenty of alternatives and methods to reduce, reuse, and recycle if they are accessible to you. If you have no idea where to start here is a great resource for you,

July for me this year was full of events and unfortunatley a ton of plastic! For this challenge, I kept track of all the plastic I purchased or used. I also added some items that indirectly were used in my day-to-day like trash bags and containers for other goods. Doing this helped me think more carefully about how my items were packaged and also helped me think of things that I use but are not necessary.

My list of plastics:

🧴 Personal Care:

  • 8 🩹 Pads

  • 35 🧻 Wipes

🛍️ Bags & Containers:

  • 8 🛒 Grocery Bags

  • 1 🗑️ Large Trash Bag

  • 2 🗑️ Small Trash Bag

  • 3 🍱 Small Takeout Boxes

  • 2 📦 Large Takeout Boxes

  • 1 🥡 Styrofoam Container

  • 1 🎁 Small Ziploc Bag

🍴 Utensils & Misc:

  • 1 🍴 Plastic Fork

  • 1 ☕ K-Cup

  • 1 🥄 Plastic Stirrer

  • 3 🥤 Plastic Cup Lids

  • 3 🥤 Cups

  • 1 🍶 Condiment Cup

  • 3 🥄 Straws

  • 16 ❄️ Bags of Ice

  • 2 🎈Ballons

  • 1✨ plastic party fringe

🍬 Food & Snacks:

  • 1 🍯 Honey Packet

  • 1 🧀 Bag of Cheese

  • 2 🍚 Rice Krispy treats

  • 8 🍏 Fruit Snacks

  • 4 💧 Water Bottles

  • 1 🍎 Fruit Roll-Up

  • 3 🍖 Slim Jims

  • 2 🥭 Mango Sticky Rice

  • 3 🍧 Bolis

  • 1 🍭 Lollipop wrapper

  • 2 🥢 Soy Sauce Packets

  • 2 🌶️ Sriracha Packets

  • 2 🌶️ Hot Sauce Packets

  • 3 🍌Banana Stickers

Shopping Local: A Sustainable Choice

One impactful way to reduce your plastic footprint is by shopping locally for food and everyday items. When you buy from local farmers' markets or neighborhood stores, you often find products with minimal or no packaging. This approach not only supports local businesses but also reduces the need for transportation and excessive packaging, which contribute to pollution and waste.

Local markets usually offer fresh produce that is free from plastic wrapping and containers, allowing you to bring your own reusable bags and containers. You can also find local artisans and small businesses that prioritize sustainable practices, providing everything from homemade soaps to handcrafted goods that align with eco-friendly values.

By choosing to shop locally, you can enjoy fresh, quality products while supporting your community and reducing your overall environmental impact. It's a win-win situation that brings us closer to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Hands holding Earth surrounded my Mexican decor and reusable items.

Childhood Lessons in Reusing

In a Mexican household, especially my grandparents as first-generation Mexican Americans, reusing items was a natural part of everyday life. Who doesn’t remember finding leftover food in an old butter container, or cottage cheese container, or using a classic cookie tin as a sewing kit? One of my favorite memories is leaving my grandma's house with bags that looked like groceries but were just a ton of old containers she used as to-go boxes to not lose her nice containers. I even remember my grandmother washing plastic spoons and forks. These habits are a testament to our creativity and resourcefulness, and they taught me the importance of making the most of what we have.

My Favorite Alternatives

  • Reducing my plastic use and reusing items more than one time!! The easiest and most cost-effective way I started!

  • Farm to table: Try the Farm Fresh Box from La Semilla! This is a great way to support local and get fresh produce with minimal plastic packaging. They also provide recipes in English and Spanish!

  • Farmers market: For Gifts, toiletries, decor, dog snacks, and more you can go to one of the Farmers Markets in EP. One of the ones I attend regularly is the Upper Valley Market.

  • Silicone bags: Stasher bags are great for anyone who can not live without Ziploc bags. They come in all sizes/colors and you can freeze them, bake in them, and are dishwasher safe!

  • Spunky tote bags: I love to purchase these as souvenirs when traveling and prefer cloth canvas bags. Be warned having too many totes is also a huge possibility!

  • Reusable water bottles: Hydroflask and Nalgene

  • Planet-friendly Periods at Period Aisle: Try them out!

Simple Changes Make a Difference

Even small changes can significantly impact our journey toward reducing waste. Something as simple as carrying your reusable bottle or cup for drinks can prevent a lot of plastic waste. The next time you reach for that single-use plastic, think about how you can swap it out for a more sustainable option.

Reducing Microplastics

Reducing the amount of plastic you consume not only makes a difference for the Earth but can also have a huge impact on your body! If you haven't heard of Microplastics, they are often ingested or absorbed into our bodies through products made or packaged in plastic. Microplastics, tiny particles of plastic less than 5mm in size, are increasingly contaminating our oceans, rivers, and even the air we breathe. These particles come from the breakdown of larger plastic items and are nearly impossible to remove from the environment. Reducing our plastic consumption can significantly help in alleviating this issue. By choosing reusable items over single-use plastics, we can decrease the amount of plastic waste that eventually breaks down into microplastics. Every small change in our daily habits contributes to less plastic entering the environment, ultimately helping to protect ecosystems and human health from the harmful effects of microplastics.

Take the Challenge: One Step at a Time

I encourage everyone to choose just one small thing to change in their routine to reduce plastic consumption. Maybe it’s switching to reusable shopping bags, trying out a bamboo toothbrush, or choosing products with less packaging. See if it works for you; if it doesn’t, try something else!

The key is to find what fits your lifestyle. There are countless resources and tips out there to help guide you on this path.

The Road to Sustainable Living

Plastic Free July is a reminder that we all have the power to make a difference. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about making conscious choices and inspiring others to do the same. Take time to reflect on your habits, embrace change, and work towards a more sustainable future together.

So as I celebrate turning 30, I also celebrate the small victories in my quest to reduce plastic waste. Join me in committing to our planet. Together, we can make an impact, one step at a time. Happy to provide solutions, and alternatives, and answer any questions about using less plastic!

Other Resources:


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